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Trainer in "Localization in Lao"
Mr. Aamir Wali, NUCES, Pakistan


Aamir Wali is a faculty member at National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences, Lahore. He has over two years experience developing Open Type Fonts for Urdu. From March 2001 to date, he worked with the Center for Research in Urdu Language Processing in National University. This work involves developing solutions for Urdu, in the area of script processing in general and font development in particular. Through this


center, he developed the Nafees Nasta'leeq Font for Urdu in 2003. He has also heavily contributed in the development of Nafees Naskh Font for Urdu. Currently, he is doing MS in Computer Science, specializing in Script Processing, from National University. His MS thesis, still in progress, focuses on modifying/enhancing the Linux rendering engine to provide contextual substitution support for Urdu using Open Type technology.

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